European plan

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European planEuropean plan
  1. There has been increasing call for a comprehensive European plan .


  2. There are many things to like about the European plan , but there are still too many unanswered questions .


  3. European Plan to Combat Illicit Drugs


  4. European plan : a hotel plan in which the rates include only the charges for a room and not for meals .


  5. But under the European plan , the only backstop is the principal in the EFSF .


  6. The European Galileo Plan ( Part One )


  7. Even as China agrees in principle that it will contribute to the European rescue plan , details of the support will need to be negotiated .


  8. Papandreou claims that a vote by the people is necessary given the major impact the latest European fix-it plan would have on Greece .


  9. The US is too involved in IMF decisions but is unwilling to contribute as much as China to a European rescue plan because of its own domestic concerns .


  10. The White House on Tuesday said Greece 's decision to hold a referendum on a European debt plan underscores the importance of moving quickly to implement the deal .


  11. European regulators plan tougher than expected restrictions on bankers ' pay , in spite of concerns raised by French , UK and Spanish officials that the rules could make the European Union uncompetitive , people familiar with the talks said .


  12. Even conservative institutions such as us and European pension funds plan to steadily increase their exposure .


  13. Especially after the failure of the European Defence Community plan , they are more aware of the importance of protecting their own interests and preventing controlling by big powers .


  14. In some good news for local cell phone manufacturers , the European Union 's plan to introduce new taxes for handsets sold throughout Europe has been scrapped , says a Wednesday report .


  15. Such as , France 's Saint Pierre Father , he proposed that established " European confederation " plan , which was considered the first energetic ancestor of the European confederation principle ;


  16. The European Commission believes the plan will help economic development as well as promote cultural diversity in the online music industry .


  17. Western European countries welcomed Marshall Plan and in July 1947 they founded CEEC to cooperate with the Marshall Plan .


  18. European leaders claimed the plan represented a broadly European reform agenda , while the US emphasised the summit commitment to pro-market principles .


  19. Last month , the European Commission approved a plan to give $ 1.5 billion to farmers in Africa to cope with high food prices and boost production of food crops there .


  20. The European Space Agency ( ESA ) decided to endorse a European Long-Term Space Plan at the Ministerial Conference in the Hague in 1987 . It is the aim of the Long-Term Plan to make the widest possible use of space on the basis of Europe 's past achievements .
